BoosterValues account deletion

In-app account deletion

Please follow the next steps to delete your account within the app:

  1. Install and launch the app.
  2. Click the Profile button on the action bar at the bottom.
  3. Input your account's email and click the button at the bottom.
  4. Input your account's password and click the button at the bottom (if you don't remember it please jump to the in-app password recovery section).
  5. Click the Delete user button right above the Logout button at the bottom.
  6. Input your account's email and click the button at the bottom.
  7. Input your account's password and click the button at the bottom.
  8. Since this action is permanent and irreversible, a confirmation prompt will be shown, please confirm that you want to delete your account.
  9. Your account will be immediatly deleted from our databases.

In-app password recovery

Please follow the next steps to recover your password within the app:

  1. Install and launch the app.
  2. Click the Profile button on the action bar at the bottom.
  3. Click the Restore user button right above the Logout button at the bottom.
  4. Input your account's email and click the button at the bottom.
  5. You will be sent a verification code to your account's email.
  6. Input the verification code and click the button at the bottom.
  7. Input a new password and its confirmation, and click the button at the bottom.
  8. Your password will be immediatly updated on our databases, you should be able to login now.

Account deletion request

If for any reason you're unable to delete your account directly within the app, please send us an email to using your account's email and we will address your request as soon as possible.

Data deletion details

When deleting your account, all data belonging to it is deleted (e.g. watchlists), data corresponding to your device (used for push notifications) is unlinked to your account, device data is automatically deleted 30 days after device registration.